We're talking about KITCHEN's almost surreal efficiency.

It's a decision using "Doors at will" with local artists getting in-and-out to demonstrate PCCW Wireless connections are everywhere when KITCHEN is sought to help, the challenge is Time, an element one can't ask for more from celebrities.
Yet KITCHEN never settles for inferior work quality because of lack of time.
Instead , KITCHEN makes the best use of it shooting 2 blue screen videos for the website. With its own post-production techniques to key the images shot against various virtual reality backgrounds, the whole approach shows users that they can basically get online everywhere with PCCW Wireless service in an entertaining manner.
On top of building websites, KITCHEN develops 2 interactive game banner ads for audience to interact with their idols. Both are memory games wrapped up by a unified ad message - "You don't need to remember where you can get online now, 'coz you can simply get online everywhere with PCCW Wireless."

Just another solid proof to show that KITCHEN never cuts corners. Even facing tight deadlines.
Maybe it's what connects big clients with KITCHEN.